The end of a year is a time to reflect and review the year past while also setting goals for the year ahead. These goals are often the combination of quantitative financial targets and qualitative ambitions…
Is an Advance Subscription Agreement (“ASA”) the answer for you?
Combining reliefs to maximise claims
The Great Series A Funding Gap
How many of you have bought shares in a company which have benefitted from the EIS scheme? Now how many of you have bought further “follow on” shares in that company, EIS or otherwise? Not many is the answer and there are a couple of reasons for that.
First of all, EIS investors tend to view those investments as long term punts that give them a nice tax break in year one with other lovely tax benefits in the event that the company provides a decent return on equity. If it all goes to pot, which most EIS investors realise is a significant possibility, at least they only had 38.5p in the Pound at stake, so all is not lost.
For that reason, most EIS investors like to take a portfolio approach and not have too much concentrated in a single company. That way, the chances of the finding the company which gives them a 100x return (or even the 1,000x return if they are really lucky) is increased. When investors are asked to put further capital into an existing EIS investment, therefore, they are generally reluctant to do so and use up their “pot” for investing in that financial year.
Secondly, founders do not want to give away too much of the equity in their business too soon, and particularly not to EIS “angels” who will not necessarily add as much value as a larger institutional investor. Also, founders recognise that the share valuation at a Series A raise will be significantly higher than if they have to do a bridge round (not to mention the legal and introduction fees that it will be charged for that round).
These factors mean that there is often a cash crunch for early stage companies in the run up to their Series A rounds, a time when it is imperative that the company’s story remains coherent and persuasive to institutional investors at they strive to achieve the necessary KPIs. A cash squeeze at a critical time in Series A negotiations can mean the difference between a great valuation or a weak one for existing shareholders, or even a failure to raise funds altogether.
While acknowledging that each case is different, we think that the cost of a bridge round of equity can be anything from 100-300% of the money raised, often for a very short period of time. To give an example, we know of one company which issued £300,000 of shares to existing angel investors to bridge itself to Series A following which those shares were worth £900,000. To put the equivalent debt into perspective, a loan for the same period would have cost 12-15%, including arrangement fees.
Why do companies and their directors make these seemingly irrational decisions? Probably it is a combination of factors but the main ones are lack of information and transparency regarding the available options, pressures from significant shareholders who are aware of this arbitrage and wish to profit from it at the expense of founders and smaller shareholders, and the time pressure and stress that a large fund raise puts on management. These all lead companies to take the “easy” route, at significant cost to the shareholders who do not/cannot participate in the share issue.
What we are trying to do is encourage companies to consider the true cost of raising equity, and compare that against bridging debt products like those offered by Finstock Capital which we feel offer better value for companies and their shareholders.
'When people talk about cash being king, it’s not king if it just sits there and never does anything’
Changes to the R&D rules
Theranos/Patisserie Valerie/Plus500 - What would you have done?
We have recently read Bad Blood, the intriguing story behind the corporate fraud at Theranos as well as kept a keen eye on the Patisserie Valerie and Plus500 stories as they develop. Would you have picked up on any of these if you had been sent the Investor Deck? Would our process, which is ever evolving, have raised red flags? Certainly, there were intelligent investors who were stung but what are the lessons learnt?
We would highlight an area for each case which might have helped but please - tell us what you would have done differently?
Theranos - Don’t be impressed by the names on the board unless they have actual experience within the sector. Make sure they are competent and exercise independent judgment. Also, if possible - verify claims made by the CEO before investing and talk to clients!
Patisserie Valerie - It’s easy to say ‘if things look too good to be true then they probably are’ but when a business is being audited, you can normally get a sense of comfort. The warning sign may have been just the growth in outlets - growth, through acquisition of outlets, can lead to vulnerable accounts. Dissecting the accounts is difficult but viewing the management accounts tells a story - financial and management accounting need to have greater collaboration and as the company grows, the information within the management accounts should do.
Plus500 - currently no fraud has been shown following a reporting error in which a loss of £100m was overlooked. Is there anything that investors could have done to mitigate this? Probably not, but how would you interpret the opportunity after the error has been reported and the share price has plummeted? What steps would you take in order to crystallise your opinion on whether this is a genuine mistake or something more sinister? Does one simply have to say that there is not enough information to make an informed decision and therefore default to "no"?
All thoughts welcome - what would you have done?
The benefits of a bespoke service
The year-end rush
Three Pillar Approach
R&D Tax Credit prepayments
Film and TV Tax Credit Finance
Today Finstock Capital officially launched into the Film and TV credit space to support film producers following the success of our R&D loans.
Finstock Capital continues to look at underserved markets where we can provide bespoke, efficient and supportive solutions to SMEs.
Finstock Capital provides both debt and equity finance to UK SMEs. Please get in touch to learn more.
Open for business
Many of you will know Yogi Berra all too well already but one of our favourite quotes of his is "No one goes there nowadays, it’s too crowded”. It nicely sums up various equity trades through the first half of the year and exemplifies why we founded Finstock Capital: to do something different and maintain control of our destiny. We were reminded in a recent meeting with a management team of the importance of ‘not being a busy fool’ and this has been one of our aims for the first few months - find a niche and do it well. Don't try and do everything!
We have two strands of the business: short-term bridge financing and long-term private equity deals.
With the short-term deals, we have found our niche in providing high-growth, technological companies with capital secured against their government grants (R&D tax credits). In this way we can support these companies while managing the overall risk that we are exposed to and are willing to take. We have now completed a number of these and are officially open for more business. Know anyone awaiting a credit from HMRC? Then please do get in touch.
For the long-term private equity deal, we have now met a large number of attractive and well run businesses in the sectors that we like. We are yet to come to final terms but through meeting a wide range of knowledgeable and experienced contacts, we feel we are getting close. The reasons that we entered this market (VCT and EIS rule changes; valuation opportunities; and fragmented markets) have not changed and we continue to meet strong management teams seeking investment to propel them to the next stage. It is a competitive market but we feel that our focus on the lower end of the UK SME market sets us apart from others and we can add value to well run businesses looking to take the next step in their long-term growth story.